About us

We understand our SME clients and their needs.

Who We Are

Established in 2013, Discount Capital Limited (DCL) is a local independent financial services company focused on empowering SMEs through flexible trade finance solutions. DCL is governed by a board of directors who provide oversight and strategic direction and a management team with over 50 years of experience in SME financing. Our success is a result of our deep understanding of our SME clients and our willingness and ability to tailor our products to address the needs of our clients.

Our Target Market

DCL segmented its market into 4 broad sectors as below but we are open to partnerships in other sectors that meet our risk criteria.


  • Supermarkets
  • Eateries
  • Importers
  • Exporters


  • Hotel Chains
  • Private Schools
  • Private Colleges
  • Private Hospitals


  • Input Supplier
  • Medium-Sized Industries
  • Cottage/Light Industries

Agri-value Chain

  • Input and output goods and services providers

DCL is committed to promoting minority owned businesses and is actively building its women and youth owned SME client list

A mission, vision and purpose born
with SMEs in mind.


Accelerating SME growth through flexible trade finance solutions.


To be the premier SME trade finance partner in East Africa.


To nurture and grow SMEs

Our Core Values

Our products are curated to support, value and ensure SMEs growth.
Organizational Integrity

All our decisions and actions are consistent with our values and we ensure that integrity is in the heart of all our engagements.

Nimble and Agile

Change is the only constant and in the face of change, we need to be both agile which refers to our ability to be flexible in changing environments and nimble which refers to the speed and responsiveness to change in the marketplace.

One Family

Our people are our greatest asset and we are more than a team, we are a family. We expect the best from each other and create an environment for transparency, honesty and performance.


Every member of the DCL family is an owner, a leader, an entrepreneur and a visionary. We expect our team to exercise ownership and step up where they see an opportunity to add value.

Curiosity and Innovation

Curiosity is the bedrock of learning. We encourage our team and clients to be curious, take risks and understand that the status quo is not the goal, continuous learning and innovation is.

Customer Obsession

Customer needs are at the centre of everything we do and the customer experience is built around those needs.

Strategy First, Then Relentless Execution

A plan without action is pointless and action without a plan is meaningless. We plan our next move before we make it.


Our Promise


We tailor our trade financing solutions to meet our client’s specific needs.


Every client is assigned a relationship manager invested in making your SME growth dreams a reality.


We respond to all customer queries and submissions within 24 hours.


We deliver unmatched customer experience.

Interested? Apply for finance

Find out if you qualify for our products.
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