Boost your working capital with our invoice discounting in Kenya, for up to KES 7M.

Whether you are an SME owner, individual trader, and sole proprietor, our invoice discounting in Kenya guarantees your working capital for up to KES 7,000,000, with a repayment period of up to 90 days.

Check Qualification

Get Started Now

3-Step process to guarantee your working capital. Pay back in 90 days.

As part of receivable-based financing products, our invoice discounting facility is a flexible solution to guarantee your business success when you need it most.

  • 1
    Check Qualification Online

    Use our simple online form to verify qualification for financing. Takes less than 3 minutes to finish.

  • 2
    Meet with our representative

    Once you are prequalified, a representative will schedule an appointment and review your KYC documents so you make your application.

  • 3
    Funds Deposited

    Once your application is reviewed and approved, the funds will be deposited to your account to keep your business on track.

What else should you know about our invoice discounting service?

How Much Can I Get With Invoice Discounting

  • Minimum Limit: Kes. 100,000
  • Maximum Limit: Kes. 7,000,000, with a single invoice not to exceed 25% of the limit.
  • Note that Exceptions to higher or lower limits may be considered, subject to policy approval.

Our Limit Maintenance

  • New Customers and New Procuring Entity: Limit available for 6 months, then renewed for 6 months. Subsequently, renewed annually with fresh bank statements.
  • New Customer and Existing Procuring Entity: Limit available for 6 months, then renewed for 6 months. Subsequently, renewed annually with fresh bank statements.
  • Existing Customer/Existing Procuring Entity: Limit available for 12 months, then renewed annually with fresh bank statements.
  • Existing Customer/New Procuring Entity: Limit available for 12 months, then renewed annually with fresh bank statements.

What Application Documents Are Required?

  • Completed application form
  • Copy of National ID/Passport
  • MemArts/CR1 & CR2 copies
  • Certificate of Incorporation copy
  • Bank/M-Pesa statements for the last 6 months
  • Copy of company and directors’ PIN Certificates
  • Trading License copy/Utility bills copy (Electricity or water)
  • 2 passport-size photos
  • Company profile (if available)
  • Management books of accounts (if available)

What Collateral Documents Are Required?

  • Letter of undertaking/assignment from the procuring entity
  • Letter of offer
  • Standard DCL documents
  • Securities as detailed in the Credit Policy
  • Limit Maintenance

How Long is the Repayment Period?

Our invoice discounting in Kenya service is accessible for a maximum of Ninety/90 days.

What Qualification Criteria Applies?

  • Business operation for at least 1 year
  • Individual customers must be at least 21 years old
  • Banking with current bankers for at least 6 months
  • Maximum three unpaid items in the last 6 months
  • Maximum two excess drawings in the last 6 months
  • Regular and consistent credits in the account for the last 12 months without a declining trend
  • Not on the prohibited list as defined in the Credit Policy
  • Kenyan nationality
  • Security Arrangements and Documentation

Apply for finance now

Use the form to check if you qualify for our financing.