What is receivable based financing?

This is financing to bridge the gap after you invoice the buyer for goods delivered but yet to receive payment from the buyer. With this model, you benefit from:
  • Improved cash flow management
  • Access to immediate, accessible funds
  • Flexibility in financing options
  • Reduced credit risk exposure

Frequently asked questions

Here's something to know we get sit down.

What is the difference between post-performance and pre-performance financing?

Post-performance is financing after you’ve delivered the product/service to the buyer and are awaiting payment wile pre-performance is financing before you have served the client.

How many invoices/transactions can I finance?

There is no limit to the number of invoices and transactions you can finance, however there is a limit on the balance due to DCL that a client can hold at any given time.

Who is eligible for financing?

Clients must the following criteria:

  • Has been in operation for 1+ years
  • Has banked with current bankers for at least 6 months.  
  • Maximum three unpaid items in the last 6 months 
  • No past due to LCs, loans or interest arrears in the last 6 months 
  • The business should not be on the prohibited list as defined in Credit Policy

How long does the application process take?

Subject to provision of pertinent documents and results of security perfection, the process can take as little as 48 hours.

Still got questions?

If you cannot find the answer to your question in our FAQs, you can always contact us. One of our financing experts will be happy to help.

Apply for finance now

Fill the form to learn more about our products or check if you qualify for financing.